Monday, May 29, 2017


Put those legs up
Put em up


Give me your rough love - rough love
I can't get enough
Give it to me rough
It's the only way I'll open up
Rough love - I can't get enough

The music is moving
Sound is sticky

Lather up - pull the seat belt tight
I love your rough love
You always give it to me right

Give it to me rough
The only way I'll open up
I like it rough - the only way to prove your love

Nothing says I love you like tying me up
Make sure to say I love you
Before the rough love
Rough love - I can't get enough
Gentle first then make it rough


Give me your rough love
Give it give it to me rough
I like it rough
It's the only way I'll open up
Rough love - I can't get enough

Rough love - I can't get enough
When we fuck - gentle first then make it rough
Tie me up - get me high
Don't forget to make it tight
It looks like for awhile
I'm in for a rough ride

I can't get enough

From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm


The earth may be flat - it may be round
Either way I'll be okay as long as you're around
Maybe a disk - perhaps a sphere
But I'll be okay as long as you are here (near)


The flat earth model - An archaic conception
Of the planet's shape as a plane or disk

We've been taught that it's round
Floating out in space
So much deception - unanswered questions
Neither theory makes any sense

Deception runs deep in this river
We've been lied to - conditioned so much
Nothing surprises me anymore

But flat or round - I have found
That I can't live without your love
Spinning ball or glass covered disk
Loving you is worth the risk


We've been lied to so many times
Told left is right and black is white
Deception runs deep in this river
Can I have some truth - just a sliver

I've learned so much but know so little
My soul my heart my light it dwindles
But as long as I have your love
It doesn't matter what's up above

Are we the center of it all
Or just a spec - a tiny blue ball
Floating in an infinite space
You think NASA is gonna tell us - doubt it

So please baby - love me hard
Love me long - love me until the end of it all


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainnent 2017tm


I wake up - it's another day
Not sure what to do today
What's left to think - what's left to say
Deeper into the mundane

Is that all there is - is that all there is
If that's all there is my friend
Then let's keep dancing


Maybe it's just getting older
I've done it all - it's all been ordered
I am thankful but I am so bored
Is this it or is there more

It was all so new in the beginning
Hormones rage - let's start the sinning
As time went by I felt is that all there is
So let's just keep dancing my friend


Is that it? Is there more?
Nothing excites me anymore


Pose for me nature
The mundane - it makes me insane


Impress me - excite me
Stimulate my senses
I guess not anymore

Is that all there is
God, are you there
Is that all there is my friend


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Chorus written by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm


Wrinkles sagging aches and pains
But my heart remains forever young
Slowly watching everyone I love wither away
Life is a gift but very cruel some days

Life gives you the gift of vitality and youth
Then forces you to watch your own decay
Time is running short so love me today

Show me who you are
And I'll give you my heart
Show me you are true
Then I will give everything to you


My heart is beating fast - I just want it all to last
Young or old - Innocent or jaded
Don't let my light get dimmed or faded

I just want to follow the spring
Fall and winter endings it brings
Maybe death becomes me
My heart stops beating then I will be free


My heart hurts
It longs for so many things
Please keep beating
Life to me it brings

One day you'll stop beating and that's okay
It's the natural law
Just keep pumping my blood today


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm


Forever trapped in my own mind
Incarcerated - doing hard time
I'm a prisoner to this mind
Alone - confined

Rape me in the shower
Cut to - running free virtuous in a meadow
Lilacs surround me
Then suddenly I'm back to that prison fantasy


Solitary confinement - trapped in my own mind
Alone - confined

Is this my solitary confinement
Punishment for my sins
I long to be free
But it's safe and comfortable in my cell
Sunlight envelopes my face
Then suddenly I'm back into my cage


No windows no doors
Padded walls - urine on the floor
Think think and think some more
Torture chamber for your soul

You're out of control
You never see the good only the bad
I try to run free in this meadow
But comfort lies in my cell
If that's all you've ever had
I;m a caged fucking animal

Take me - you have the power
So much for you to devour
No meadows - no flowers
I can't make it past the tower


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

Sunday, May 28, 2017


All I ask is that you don't lie to me
Fucking phonies as far as the eye can see
Liar liar pants on fire - Liar liar pants on fire

Money greed and power
It creates many dark hours
Sex lust and domination
Can create a liar - an abomination

Politicians fucking sociopaths
Presstitutes on the cable news
All the liars you'll pay the price
With your karma when you die

Liar liar pants on fire - Liar liar pants on fire

Many CEOs and billionaires
Mega corporations and mafia banksters
Lying pharmaceutical companies
Evil political regimes

Cheating spouses - hard addiction
Three letter agencies in Washington
Trashy hoodrats - worthless criminals
Let's gas them all in a large stone chamber

I turn on that TV and all it seems to do is lie to me
I like to go out into nature
And seek the truth from my creator

A little white lie here and there - that is different
But big blatant lies that deceive and hurt people
I am not fucking tolerant

Liars liars pants on fire
Please just die - do us all a favor

All the presidents have done it once or twice - all the time
Practicing their homicide
Please stop the fucking lies
Tell the truth it's not hard mother fucker
Not all of us are brainwashed suckers

From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm


Elementary school huh? How you doing Mr. Parker
Enjoying the high life now
Must be cool to dance right after getting shot in a nightclub
When you think the camera is not on anymore
9/11 - That's the biggie
The list goes on and on - so many more it's astounding
But ya'll take it - hook line and sinker
A fucking five year old could spot the transparency of it all
I'm so sick of being lied to - My intelligence being insulted
Don't get me wrong - I'm all for world peace
And everyone treating each other with love and kindness
But it's very difficult when you've  got this corrupt ridiculous fucking media
Telling you what to think about everything
Showing you fake shit - you understand what I'm sayin'

All of this politically correct bullshit
Has turned everyone into a fucking pussy idiot
Real news fake news it's all an embarrassment
This is not the country and the world I was born in

It's a different class of people
Narcissistic sociopathic devil worshiping evil
You've fooled so many but millions have woken up
I'd like to shove a chainsaw up your fucking ass

It's an actual thing - It's called duping delight
Just google it - look it up
It's right there in black and white

Open up your eyes it's time to see the light
I can see right through your duping delight
Talking tragedy with a smile
Crocodile tears - disgusting - vile

Open up your eyes it's time to fight
We can see right through your duping delight
When will it stop - when will we be free
Of these psychotic monstrosities


Why don't you put a gun to your temple
Here, we'll help you pull the trigger
Knowing you're all gone will put our minds at ease
And bring some peace to all of the sheep

I am not stupid - I'm actually very intelligent
I am not crazy - I am actually very sane
But I just don't understand how supposedly smart people
Can't see right through it
I see your smile past those crocodile tears
Ya, there's no tears mother fucker
You think I'm fucking stupid? Fucking disgusting cunts
I hate all of you - so sick


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

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