Sunday, May 28, 2017


All I ask is that you don't lie to me
Fucking phonies as far as the eye can see
Liar liar pants on fire - Liar liar pants on fire

Money greed and power
It creates many dark hours
Sex lust and domination
Can create a liar - an abomination

Politicians fucking sociopaths
Presstitutes on the cable news
All the liars you'll pay the price
With your karma when you die

Liar liar pants on fire - Liar liar pants on fire

Many CEOs and billionaires
Mega corporations and mafia banksters
Lying pharmaceutical companies
Evil political regimes

Cheating spouses - hard addiction
Three letter agencies in Washington
Trashy hoodrats - worthless criminals
Let's gas them all in a large stone chamber

I turn on that TV and all it seems to do is lie to me
I like to go out into nature
And seek the truth from my creator

A little white lie here and there - that is different
But big blatant lies that deceive and hurt people
I am not fucking tolerant

Liars liars pants on fire
Please just die - do us all a favor

All the presidents have done it once or twice - all the time
Practicing their homicide
Please stop the fucking lies
Tell the truth it's not hard mother fucker
Not all of us are brainwashed suckers

From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

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