Monday, May 29, 2017


Wrinkles sagging aches and pains
But my heart remains forever young
Slowly watching everyone I love wither away
Life is a gift but very cruel some days

Life gives you the gift of vitality and youth
Then forces you to watch your own decay
Time is running short so love me today

Show me who you are
And I'll give you my heart
Show me you are true
Then I will give everything to you


My heart is beating fast - I just want it all to last
Young or old - Innocent or jaded
Don't let my light get dimmed or faded

I just want to follow the spring
Fall and winter endings it brings
Maybe death becomes me
My heart stops beating then I will be free


My heart hurts
It longs for so many things
Please keep beating
Life to me it brings

One day you'll stop beating and that's okay
It's the natural law
Just keep pumping my blood today


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

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