Sunday, May 28, 2017


Elementary school huh? How you doing Mr. Parker
Enjoying the high life now
Must be cool to dance right after getting shot in a nightclub
When you think the camera is not on anymore
9/11 - That's the biggie
The list goes on and on - so many more it's astounding
But ya'll take it - hook line and sinker
A fucking five year old could spot the transparency of it all
I'm so sick of being lied to - My intelligence being insulted
Don't get me wrong - I'm all for world peace
And everyone treating each other with love and kindness
But it's very difficult when you've  got this corrupt ridiculous fucking media
Telling you what to think about everything
Showing you fake shit - you understand what I'm sayin'

All of this politically correct bullshit
Has turned everyone into a fucking pussy idiot
Real news fake news it's all an embarrassment
This is not the country and the world I was born in

It's a different class of people
Narcissistic sociopathic devil worshiping evil
You've fooled so many but millions have woken up
I'd like to shove a chainsaw up your fucking ass

It's an actual thing - It's called duping delight
Just google it - look it up
It's right there in black and white

Open up your eyes it's time to see the light
I can see right through your duping delight
Talking tragedy with a smile
Crocodile tears - disgusting - vile

Open up your eyes it's time to fight
We can see right through your duping delight
When will it stop - when will we be free
Of these psychotic monstrosities


Why don't you put a gun to your temple
Here, we'll help you pull the trigger
Knowing you're all gone will put our minds at ease
And bring some peace to all of the sheep

I am not stupid - I'm actually very intelligent
I am not crazy - I am actually very sane
But I just don't understand how supposedly smart people
Can't see right through it
I see your smile past those crocodile tears
Ya, there's no tears mother fucker
You think I'm fucking stupid? Fucking disgusting cunts
I hate all of you - so sick


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

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