Monday, May 29, 2017


Forever trapped in my own mind
Incarcerated - doing hard time
I'm a prisoner to this mind
Alone - confined

Rape me in the shower
Cut to - running free virtuous in a meadow
Lilacs surround me
Then suddenly I'm back to that prison fantasy


Solitary confinement - trapped in my own mind
Alone - confined

Is this my solitary confinement
Punishment for my sins
I long to be free
But it's safe and comfortable in my cell
Sunlight envelopes my face
Then suddenly I'm back into my cage


No windows no doors
Padded walls - urine on the floor
Think think and think some more
Torture chamber for your soul

You're out of control
You never see the good only the bad
I try to run free in this meadow
But comfort lies in my cell
If that's all you've ever had
I;m a caged fucking animal

Take me - you have the power
So much for you to devour
No meadows - no flowers
I can't make it past the tower


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2017tm

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