Monday, May 29, 2017


The earth may be flat - it may be round
Either way I'll be okay as long as you're around
Maybe a disk - perhaps a sphere
But I'll be okay as long as you are here (near)


The flat earth model - An archaic conception
Of the planet's shape as a plane or disk

We've been taught that it's round
Floating out in space
So much deception - unanswered questions
Neither theory makes any sense

Deception runs deep in this river
We've been lied to - conditioned so much
Nothing surprises me anymore

But flat or round - I have found
That I can't live without your love
Spinning ball or glass covered disk
Loving you is worth the risk


We've been lied to so many times
Told left is right and black is white
Deception runs deep in this river
Can I have some truth - just a sliver

I've learned so much but know so little
My soul my heart my light it dwindles
But as long as I have your love
It doesn't matter what's up above

Are we the center of it all
Or just a spec - a tiny blue ball
Floating in an infinite space
You think NASA is gonna tell us - doubt it

So please baby - love me hard
Love me long - love me until the end of it all


From the Jonsona album - Operatic Nature Diva
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainnent 2017tm

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